Appletree’s Governing Body has representatives from all sections of our community. Some are elected by the Local Education Authority (LEA), some are members of the local community and/or its organisations, some are members of staff, and some are parents of children attending the School or Centre. Our Governing Body strives to provide the best education, childcare and family services to the children and families in Lancaster.

As vacancies on our governing body arise, we advertise within the school and on SGOSS, a DfE governor recruitment website.

Our current Governing Body members are:

Valerie Pearson, Chair

Christine Branscombe, Head

Laura Matthews, Governor

Alison Love, Governor

Sharron Duckles, Governor

Margaret Weatherill, Governor

Emily Lyons Hutchinson, Governor

Gladys Asante Kwabuah, Governor

Sammy Westworth, Staff Governor

Harriet Stott, Governor

Governors meet at Appletree once a term to discuss the management  of the school. The governing body also has 3 committees which meet once a term. These committees focus on different aspects of the school’s management:

Learning & Development Committee: governors who attend this meeting look at the teaching and learning that goes on in the school

Alison Love – Chair Person

Christine Branscombe

Laura Matthews

Valerie Pearson

Emily Lyons Hutchinson

Sammy Westworth

Finance, Buildings, Staffing, Health & Safety  Committee: governors who attend this meeting focus on the financial management of the school, the staffing structure, the maintenance of the building and look at how well the school manages health & safety

Gladys Asante Kwabuah – Chair

Christine Branscombe

Margaret Weatherill

Sharron Duckles

Valerie Pearson

Alsion Love

Collaboration Committee: governors who attend this meeting look at how well the federation with Stoneygate Nursery & Children’s Centre in Preston is working.

Valerie Pearson – Chair Person

Christine Branscombe

Alison Love

Laura Matthews

Governor Information.


Governors can be contacted via the office at Appletree Nursery School – please call us on 01524 64132 or email if you would like to arrange to speak to a governor.