We do not have a set nursery uniform as we want our children to develop their unique sense of self.
However….we do ask you to keep in mind what your child wears to nursery in order to support them.
Children at our nursery are very active and they will get messy! It’s all part of the fun of learning. Therefore please do not send your children into nursery in expensive clothes.
As children toilet train and develop their independence, it is also important that they wear clothes that they can get on and off easily by themselves.
This is also true with shoes and trainers.
Suggested clothes for nursery:
- Jumper/ T-shirt/ Simple dress
- Jogging bottoms/ Leggings
- Coat
- Trainers and Socks
- Wellies
We provide wellies and waterproof coats for children outside to keep them as warm and dry as possible.